Your daily habits, such as exercising, getting sufficient rest, and maintaining a nutritious diet, are integral to improving and prolonging your health and life expectancy, but making these lifestyle changes requires dedication and perseverance. Making your journey easier requires setting specific goals. From using fitness apps like Nike+ Running Club and Fitbit(r) to recruiting the …
Aging is inevitable, but what if we could slow it down? Imagine being energetic and youthful when you’re old. While we can’t stop the passage of time, science is teaching us how to age gracefully. You can extend your life and improve its quality by making smart lifestyle choices and understanding the biology of the …
Imagine yourself curled up in a cozy bed after a busy day, your body feeling peaceful and your mind calm. Good nighttime habits can make this vision a reality. In our busy lives, we sometimes forget the importance of fully relaxing before bed. However, good health and a good night’s sleep depend on a regular …
Water is essential to keeping our bodies functioning at their optimal capacity, from controlling body temperature to lubricating joints and transporting oxygen directly into cells—as well as improving sleep quality, cognition, and mood. Hydration can also play an essential role in helping prevent migraines, control diabetes and blood pressure, as well as urinary tract infections. …
Are you feeling lethargic or exhausted? Your health may require stricter control of your oxygen needs. Oxygen is essential for energy but is often overlooked. By optimizing our body’s ability to absorb and utilize this crucial element, we can gain more energy and focus. Imagine waking up every day with enough energy to complete work, …
Eating nutritious food, engaging in regular physical activity, and getting enough restful sleep are essential parts of maintaining good health, as are other seemingly minor activities such as deep breathing. These practices all play an integral role in overall well-being, but there may be others that contribute too, such as deep breathing. Optimizing health entails …
Your body’s mobility and flexibility are essential to supporting everyday activities without pain. By making small yet consistent efforts to improve flexibility and increase range of motion, you can boost mobility. Tight muscles can interfere with posture and lead to lower back, hip, or shoulder discomfort. Stretches may help relieve tightness in these areas. 1. …
At first, a cold shower might feel uncomfortable, but over time your body will adjust. Start by starting with just 30 seconds at first before gradually increasing it up to several minutes of exposure time. Cold temperatures induce the release of beta-endorphins, or feel-good hormones, into your system, making you happier overall and decreasing sick …
We often forget about the health benefits of sleep. In a world of endless to-do lists and late-night screen time, we neglect one of the most important factors for our health. But what if I told you that prioritizing sleep can have a multitude of benefits? A good night’s sleep improves your well-being, your cognitive …
Researchers are furthering our understanding of fasting and have found that diets that include intermittent fasting or mimic fasting (like an extended fasting diet) can optimize health and increase longevity. Laboratory studies have consistently demonstrated the positive impacts of calorically restricted diets on healthspan (the number of years spent living healthy and functional lives) and …